
Sleazy Affair

Santa Ana City Councilman John Acosta gave land developers a brazen reminder Monday of the rules of the political game: Send a campaign contribution now or cross off his phone number for future use.

Acosta is trying to choose between running for reelection or running for mayor in November. Either way he needs money. But Acosta says some developers have told him they are being pressured by his opponents on the council to withhold contributions from him.

Acosta says he responded by telling developers that he didn’t want to see them in his office the day after the election with a check and that if they wanted to contribute, they should do it now. “Access to a politician is important, and if they turn their back, maybe John Acosta will be a little too busy to talk to them when they call,” Acosta said.


We feel sorry for the developers caught up in that political sleaze. We feel even more sorry for the residents of Santa Ana.
