
Controversy Over Crosswalks

The Times is to be congratulated on its story about the two elderly women who were killed crossing a street at an intersection on Beachwood Drive (Metro, Nov. 1).

The story obviously had sufficient impact to result in stop signs being put at the crossing.

As an elderly, arthritic, cardiovascular sufferer, I am asked by my doctor to walk a few miles every day. I only cross at controlled corners and stay in the pedestrian walk areas. I always get a “fresh” green light before going into the street. Hardly a day goes by but what I have my coattails whipped by a car darting either in front of me, crossing without stopping for a red light, or making a fast crossing before me as I near the curb on the other side of the street.


On the days when my joints are particularly bad and I carry a cane, about half of the motorists who do stop move slowly right up to me, honk, frown and wave me to hurry on; sometimes they garnish their impoliteness with the obscene finger gesture.

City of brotherly motorists, Los Angeles is not.


Los Angeles
