

Men of vision and purpose are not easily daunted.

This is particularly true in the case of Michael Milken who, thankfully, has decided to utilize his tremendous talent and energy in positive ways by continuing to offer his unrivaled counsel to the business community. (“Milken Resigns Drexel Post, Will Open Southland Consulting Firm,” June 16.)

“The will to do, the soul to dare,” as Sir Walter Scott wrote, has been reflected in the human spirit throughout history. Handicapped by arthritis, Renoir, with brushes taped to his hands, continued to paint masterpieces; when he could no longer hear his music, Beethoven composed some of his greatest symphonies.

I don’t think it’s overstating the point that Milken belongs in the same company with these revered artists. Under tremendous personal pressures that would have sent most of us into an irreversible tailspin, he has found a way to continue to help people build businesses.



