
233-Foot Spire Atop Church of Rev. Schuller’s

Re Lori Lawson’s letter about “Church Spire and Meaning of Religion” (Oct. 1):

The Rev. Robert Schuller and his church chose to have a 233-foot stainless steel spire. Who should say what structures a religious group builds or how it should spend the offerings and funds?

Should the money for the proposed spire be used instead to help the hungry and the homeless? When Mary of Bethany used very costly ointment to anoint Jesus, Judas asked why the ointment was not sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus said the woman did a good work for him, and the poor you always have with you. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. He did not object to the temple with all the gold vessels and furnishings, nor the use of offerings for the temple, the priests and the sacrifices.

There are expressions of faith, and acts of worship and praise. And there are humanitarian and charitable works, which the church has done and continues to do.



Costa Mesa
