
W. Hollywood : Paving Contract Awarded

The City Council unanimously awarded a $760,000 contract Monday to Excel Paving Co. for the widening of Elenda Street between Culver and Washington boulevards.

Excel Paving was the lowest among seven bidders for the job, which is expected to begin by the end of this month and continue through March, according to a staff report. Elenda Street will be open to traffic during construction.

Two other contracts were approved Monday for the re-roofing of Fire Station No. 3, at 11304 Segrell Way, and the Veterans Memorial building and an adjacent senior citizen building at the corner of Culver Boulevard and Overland Avenue.


Culver City Roofing Co., the only company to bid on the two jobs, won both contracts with bids of $118,000 for the Veterans Memorial building and $28,000 for the fire station.
