
For Overseas Callers, Rate Disparities Make Little Cents


Californians calling a sample of 17 foreign cities will find little difference in the cheapest rates charged by the major long-distance companies, but can save by using special calling plans, according to a survey to be released today.

“In most cases, the rates for the first and subsequent minutes were within a penny of each other,” said Consumer Action, the San Francisco-based consumer group that conducted the survey. The survey, it said, “reveals that there is virtually no range in rates for calls to some countries,” though occasional differences may be significant to some callers.

But the two largest carriers, American Telephone & Telegraph and MCI Communications, offer special calling plans that Consumer Action said offer sharply lower rates on certain calls at certain hours in exchange for a $3 monthly fee. AT&T; offers Reach Out World and MCI provides a trio of plans, Call Europe, Call Pacific and Call Canada.


AT&T;’s discount plan offers lower rates per minute to 35 countries at certain times (varying from country to country) and an additional 5% reduction after 10 minutes. Customers also receive a 5% discount on any interstate calls within the United States.

MCI’s discount plans are available to callers who have selected MCI as their basic long-distance carrier. The rate is 59 cents a minute to 23 European countries during specified hours (compared, for example, to $1.44 for the first minute and 81 cents for additional minutes to Prague or Warsaw); 79 cents a minute to 10 Pacific countries (compared to $2.29 for the first minute and 85 cents for each additional minute to Manila), and 19 cents a minute to Canada.

The survey obtained the lowest rates as of Feb. 1 for seven carriers active in most of California. Included besides AT&T; and MCI were US Sprint, Allnet Communications, Com Systems, Metromedia ITT and TMC Long Distance.



Table compares economy-rate calls originating in California to cities listed. All times shown are for California. For example, a call to Jerusalem between the hours of 5 p.m. and midnight would cost $2.08 for the first minute and 75 cents for each additional minute on four of the seven carriers listed.

JERUSALEM MANILA HONG KONG 5 p.m.-12 a.m. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 11 p.m.-10 a.m. 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l Allnet Communications $2.08/0.75 $2.35/0.89 $2.17/0.81 AT&T; 2.08/0.75 2.30/0.85 2.17/0.81 Com Systems 2.08/0.75 2.35/0.89 2.17/0.81 MCI 2.07/0.74 2.29/0.85 2.16/0.80 Metromedia ITT 2.07/0.74 2.30/0.85 2.17/0.81 TMC Long Distance 2.08/0.75 2.38/0.89 2.17/0.81 US Sprint 2.07/0.74 2.37/0.89 2.16/0.80

GUATEMALA CITY/ TAIPEI MOSCOW SAN SALVADOR 11 p.m.-10 a.m. 2 a.m.-7 a.m. 11 p.m.-8 a.m. 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l Allnet Communications $2.37/0.88 $1.70/1.55 $1.46/0.64 AT&T; 2.37/0.89 1.70/1.55 1.46/0.64 Com Systems 2.37/0.89 Not available 1.46/0.64 MCI 2.36/0.88 1.69/1.55 1.45/0.64 Metromedia ITT 2.36/0.88 1.70/1.55 1.45/0.64 TMC Long Distance 2.38/0.89 Not available 1.47/0.64 US Sprint 2.36/0.88 1.69/1.55 1.45/0.64


BUENOS AIRES/ PRAGUE BEIJING/CANTON/ SANTIAGO WARSAW SHANGHAI 12 a.m.-8 a.m. 12 a.m.-7 a.m. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l 1st min./add’l Allnet Communications $1.55/0.67 $1.45/0.81 $3.35/0.89 AT&T; 1.55/0.67 1.45/0.81 3.35/0.89 Com Systems 1.55/0.67 1.45/0.81 3.35/0.89 MCI 1.54/0.66 1.44/0.81 3.34/0.89 Metromedia ITT 1.55/0.67 1.44/0.81 3.34/0.89 TMC Long Distance 1.56/0.67 1.45/0.81 3.35/0.89 US Sprint 1.54/0.66 1.32/0.75 3.34/0.88
