
Junior League’s Image

Re the March 4 article on opera singer Frederica von Stade by Judith Michaelson:

I am disappointed that The Times is so behind the times regarding the Junior League. The article was enlightening, but the reference to Von Stade as “lean and tawny-haired, looking more like a member of the Junior League than a diva,” is archaic.

Although I take pride in my appearance, my membership in the Junior League of Los Angeles means much more. I’ve been a member of the Junior League for more than five years and am energized by its commitment to advocacy and community service.

During our 1989-90 year, the Junior League’s areas of community service include an adolescent pregnancy prevention project, a senior health outreach project for cancer patients, child-care assistance for women undergoing alcoholism rehabilitation, work with homeless family shelters and a woman’s leadership program.



Los Angeles
