
West Covina : $10,000 for Image Project

The City Council has unanimously approved spending $10,000 to help give the San Gabriel Valley an image.

The council voted Monday to spend the money to help fund an as-yet-unnamed image-making organization. The funds will be taken from business improvement tax revenues.

Two years ago, a coalition of San Gabriel Valley cities spent $40,000 on a study that concluded the region lacked an image. In August, the San Gabriel Valley Image Project Task Force created the nonprofit organization, whose first meeting will be held Oct. 15.


So far, Alhambra, Baldwin Park, Duarte, Irwindale, Monrovia, San Marino, South Pasadena and Temple City are expected to take part in the effort, as are representatives of the private sector.

Participating cities are to pay $78,000 for the first year of operation. The business community’s share is estimated at $63,500.
