
Controversy Over Menorah Display

The other day I noticed a 15-foot-tall menorah, the symbol of Hanukkah, across the street from the Beverly Hills Post Office. Next to it a bold sign read, “This menorah is sponsored by Chabad of California. It is neither sponsored nor funded by the City of Beverly Hills,” or words to that effect. It occurred to me that no such sign appears next to any of the dozens of Christmas decorations on the streets (or above them) of Beverly Hills.

What does this mean? Did Beverly Hills run out of money after putting up the Christmas decorations and simply couldn’t afford to put up the menorah, or is the city so anxious to ensure its Gentile residents that none of their tax money is being used to put up Hanukkah decorations. I don’t know.

However, it seems to me that if government isn’t supposed to be involved with religion at all, why would the City of Beverly Hills concern itself, either with Christmas decorations or Hanukkah denials. On the other hand, perhaps the movers and shakers of Beverly Hills have lost touch with the spirit of the holidays. Perhaps they should look around for it. It’s close by.



Los Angeles
