
Relocate the Rattlers

Regarding your article on the increased snake calls received by Ventura County’s Department of Animal Regulations (“Hot Weather Brings Out More Snakes,” May 2), I found the comments made by officer Pat Bryan disturbing.

He stated that he immediately kills all rattlesnakes he encounters because “It’s not like they’re an endangered species.” I guess that means that it is acceptable to needlessly kill any animal as long as it isn’t listed as an endangered species.

He went on to say that the snakes “multiply like rabbits,” but fails to mention that each snake consumes dozens of rodents. Those rodents probably multiply by powers of 10 when not controlled by natural predators, which pose little danger to man when simply left alone.


Apparently Los Angeles County animal control officers relocate all snakes they catch to non-residential areas. Perhaps Ventura County could learn from their neighbors and try to work with nature instead of needlessly killing, simply for convenience, animals which are actually beneficial to humans.


