
Long Beach : Officials to Lobby Clinton for Federal Aid for City

The mayor of Long Beach plans to lobby the Clinton Administration this winter for money to improve the city’s streets, sewers, buildings and police services.

In his State of the City address Tuesday, Ernie Kell said he and City Council members will travel to Washington the

week of March 7 to request federal assistance. Kell declined to discuss the amount of money he will request.


“Clinton seems to be saying he’s going to spend money on infrastructure,” Kell said. “That being the case, we want to get in there with our wish list. (Because) we were rocked with the riots last spring, I think we are in a good position.”

Kell’s 27-page address lauded progress made on the city’s 8-year-old strategic plan, including improved marketing of the Port of Long Beach and the construction of the World Trade Center. Kell challenged neighborhood groups to join him in the next three months in updating the plan.

A annual address has been required by the City Charter since 1988.
