
Students Can Do Their Part

I was appalled at the picture of litter and trash at Palmdale High School (“School District Shows the Wear and Tear of Budget Cuts,” Times Valley Edition, Jan. 17).

It is beyond me why the students at this high school and others wouldn’t have enough pride and concern for their own school and environment to elect to clean it up themselves. It’s their trash.

What kind of young people are we raising? They are our future, and we’re supposed to be teaching them to become responsible citizens. They could take a lesson from the celebrities and corporations that elect to keep portions of the freeways litter free.


More and more, over the years, I’ve noticed how run-down our public high schools are looking, and I believe there is a great deal that the students themselves can do to improve the appearance of their schools while receiving a valuable lesson in community service.

Are we afraid to ask them?


