
Bombing Tactics of the IRA

As a British citizen of Irish background I applaud your editorial (“The Mad Bombers of the IRA,” March 29). For far too long many Americans have come to believe that the IRA are freedom fighters trying to rid Northern Ireland of British troops. The term freedom fighters should be associated with groups such as the French Resistance or the Allied armies of World War II. In no way can a group of terrorists such as the IRA be compared to those heroic people who fought for freedom.

The U.S. needs to sort out its own back yard first. Would it be appropriate for Britain to send a special envoy to South-Central Los Angeles? Surely South-Central is a no-go zone similar to areas in Northern Ireland. With the murder rate in Los Angeles nearly three times higher than in Northern Ireland, maybe Britain should consider sending one. It has merit. If Britain handled it sensitively how could it hurt? Maybe the African-American community would welcome it. Why not try?


Rancho Palos Verdes
