
Live Pipe Bomb Found in Street Is Disarmed

Police Monday retrieved a live pipe bomb from a gutter in the Avenue area of Ventura.

The tube-shaped metal pipe with a fuse at one end was found about 10:30 a.m. along a curb on Wall Street at East Prospect Street.

The device was taken to the county’s bomb bunker and disarmed, said Detective Joe Braga, a technician with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department bomb squad. No suspects were arrested, and Ventura police are investigating, he said.

In what Braga described as a coincidence, the device was found next to a parked pickup truck with a license plate reading: “DYNO TNT.” But the truck’s owner apparently had nothing to do with the explosive, he said. The personalized license plate referred to the first names of a married couple, both of which begin with the letter T.


“It’s just a freak situation. The truck had nothing to do with it,” Braga said.
