
Long Beach : Accord Near on Police Officer for Jordan High

Jordan High School could have a police officer stationed on campus as early as February, a Long Beach Unified School District official said Wednesday.

School Supt. Carl Cohn said he is finalizing details, including salary considerations, of an agreement with Long Beach police officials to provide the officer. The cost will be shared by the two agencies, Cohn said.

Police Chief William C. Ellis was not available for comment. But a Long Beach police official confirmed that the department is close to a final agreement.


Some city officials have called for a stepped-up police presence since Nov. 18, when police officers and a SWAT team were called to quell a fight that broke out at the 3,000-student campus. No one was injured, but 12 students were arrested during the disturbance.

Jordan would be the only Long Beach high school with a full-time officer. In addition to patrolling the campus during school hours, the officer would be assigned to teach subjects related to law enforcement, Cohn said.
