
A summary of selected City Hall actions in the past week affecting Central Los Angeles.


* NEW SUPERMARKET: Approved construction of a Vons supermarket at 5837 S. Vermont Ave., an area where residents have complained about a lack of such stores. The neighborhood’s councilwoman, Rita Walters, applauded the decision, noting her district is home to 260,000 people but only three supermarkets. Construction is scheduled to begin in January, with the work expected to be completed in August.

* UNLICENSED DRIVERS: Voted to support, with one suggestion, state legislation that would authorize law enforcement officers to impound the vehicles of drivers who lack a driver’s license or whose licenses have been suspended or revoked. The council recommended that the bill, AB 3148, be amended to give drivers with expired licenses a 60-day grace period before their vehicles are impounded (the measure currently calls for a 30-day grace period). Currently, drivers who are found to be without a license are merely ticketed. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, there are about 1.7 million drivers in the state who have never obtained a license or whose license is suspended or revoked. Statistics show that such drivers are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than licensed drivers.

* CAR DONATION: Voted to accept Kaiser Permanente’s donation to the Los Angeles Police Department of five automobiles. The cars, 1991 and ’92 four-door sedans, will be used as unmarked vehicles by detectives. Because of budget restraints in recent years, the Police Department has not purchased any unmarked cars.


* JAPANESE FESTIVAL: Approved street closures in Little Tokyo in the area bounded by Alameda, Los Angeles, 1st and 3rd streets from 2 to 7 p.m. Aug. 7 to celebrate the 54th annual Nisei Week Japanese Festival.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues. * AIDS RENTAL ASSISTANCE: Voted to extend a contract with three human service agencies that provide people with AIDS a onetime rental assistance fee of $500 or $1,000. The $731,000 contract, originally approved in 1991, will require no extra funding because the agencies, to date, have given out only $550,000. The contractors--Aid for AIDS, El Centro Human Services and the Minority AIDS Project--have had some difficulty dispensing the funds since eligibility is restricted to low-income people. Any money remaining at the conclusion of the contract on Dec. 31 will be funneled into AIDS prevention projects. Passed 14-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Jackie Goldberg, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr., Rita Walters.
