
Los Angeles Times Special Quake Report: One Year Later : Still Shaken / Voices : From the Epicenter to D.C.: Reflections on the Devastation : SHARON ADAMS

Sharon Adams was the motorist whose 27-foot mobile home was left isolated on a raised section of the Golden State Freeway after adjoining sections of the roadway collapsed.


I’ve decided to park it. I decided from what everybody was telling me about what a close call it was that maybe I should change direction. I am selling my motor home in the spring. I am trying to find one place and really settle down.

I keep seeing the shot of my motor home up on the span. I’ve seen it in newspapers from New Zealand and Australia because people have sent me clippings.


Right now I’m just looking for someone who shares my interests in fishing, horses and dancing. I was doing a lot of traveling but soon I’m going to start giving seminars and maybe write a book.

The whole experience has made me very paranoid, especially driving over high spans. One month prior to the day of the earthquake, my mother had died, so it was a very stressful time. After the quake, I had five flats in one month.
