
FILLMORE : Developers to Discuss Newhall Ranch Plans

Concerned with the impact the proposed Newhall Ranch could have on Fillmore and nearby areas, the Fillmore City Council has asked project developers to provide an overview of their proposal during the City Council meeting tonight.

Proposed by the Newhall Land & Farming Co., Newhall Ranch calls for the construction of 22,300 homes, a 200-acre business park and a 215-acre golf course in a 19-square-mile area in Los Angeles County near the Ventura County border.

“This project is in our back door and we just need to learn a little more about it,” said Fillmore City Planner Anthony Perez. “We need to learn what precedent is being set to Ventura County.”


Newhall Land owns 1,500 acres of land in Ventura County adjacent to the Newhall Ranch site.

James Harter, an executive vice president for Newhall Land, will give the presentation to the council at 6:30 p.m.

The proposal is scheduled to be considered by Los Angeles County supervisors this fall.
