
PACOIMA : Coordinating Council to Choose Officers

Elections will be held to select new officers for the Pacoima Coordinating Council at the council’s meeting Thursday.

Nominations already have been received for seven elected posts, including president, first, second and third vice presidents, corresponding secretary, recording secretary and treasurer, but further nominations will be accepted if accompanied by the candidate’s written consent to run for office.

Following the business meeting, Fredrick Frank, who is administrative director of the Family Preservation Program at the Boys & Girls Club of the San Fernando Valley, will speak about the program he runs, how it can benefit the community and how other local agencies are involved with it.


The family preservation program was created to help keep families together and children out of the foster care system, Frank said.

The program provides services ranging from counseling, transportation, child care and job training to families in need.

The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Boys & Girls Club, 11251 Glenoaks Blvd., Pacoima.
