
VILLA PARK : City Gets a Break in Animal Control Costs

The city’s cost for animal control will be substantially less in fiscal 1995-96 because the county is giving credit for the previous year’s overpayment.

The county’s bill for rounding up stray dogs and for other animal control costs in 1995-96 would have been $10,756. But Judy Maitlen, county director of animal control, notified the city that Villa Park has to pay only $2,362 for the new fiscal year.

Maitlen, in a letter to City Manager Fred Maley, said the county did not spend as much last year for animal control as it had projected. Contracting cities thus are getting credit for excess money they paid, Maitlen said.


Maitlen emphasized that the decrease in cost to Villa Park is for one year only. “All cities should expect next year’s contract amount to be more in line with previous years,” she wrote in her letter.
