
She Burns Her L.A. ‘Bridges’


MERYL STREEP, who co-stars with Clint Eastwood in “The Bridges of Madison County,” and her husband, sculptor DONALD GUMMER, have sold their Brentwood home of five years for close to its $3.75-million asking price, sources say.

The couple purchased the gated, contemporary Mediterranean for just under $3.5 million when she came to Hollywood for the first time to make a movie, which was the comedy “Defending Your Life,” co-starring Albert Brooks.

Last summer, Streep, 46, and Gummer, 48, moved back to their 89-acre Connecticut estate, which they have owned since 1985.


The couple, married 16 years, have four children. Streep has said that she did not want them to go to high school in California, because she feared they would then go to college on the West Coast while she was living on the East Coast, where she was born and raised.

The Yale-educated Oscar-winner (best actress, “Sophie’s Choice,” 1982; best supporting actress, “Kramer vs. Kramer,” 1979) is due to start filming “Marvin’s Room” in August with Diane Keaton and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Streep just finished filming “Before and After” with Liam Neeson. She made her debut as an action heroine last year in “The River Wild.”


After Streep and her family moved back to Connecticut, their Brentwood home was leased out. The home was sold shortly after it was put on the market and closed escrow this month.

The home has six bedrooms, maid’s quarters and an office in nearly 6,500 square feet. Built in 1972, the house also has canyon views.

SANDY GALLIN, personal manager of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, has purchased a Sunset Strip-area home.


Gallin, 53, helped to steer the careers of Whoopi Goldberg, Cher and Barbra Streisand. He has represented such stars as Michael Jackson and Dolly Parton for years.

Gallin and Parton are also partners in Sandollar Productions, which recently signed a multiyear pact with the Walt Disney Co. Sandollar has made several features for Disney, including “Father of the Bride” and the upcoming “Father of the Bride II.”

The home that Gallin bought is 73 years old. It has seven bedrooms in just under 6,000 square feet and is on slightly more than three acres with a city view.

Gallin, who also has residences in Malibu and Manhattan, bought the Hollywood Hills home for close to its $2.4-million asking price, sources say.

He plans to extensively remodel it. Gallin has built or remodeled 11 houses, including a 17,000-square-foot home in Beverly Hills that he sold a couple of years ago.

June Scott of June Scott Estates, a Jon Douglas Co., Beverly Hills, represented Gallin in his purchase.


PRINCE ALEXANDRE VON FURSTENBERG, son of Prince Egon of Austria and New York fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg, and his fiancee, ALEXANDRA MILLER, have leased a Beverly Hills home for a year. Miller’s father, Robert W. Miller, is known as “the duty-free king” because of the airport emporiums he has built around the world.

The young couple, who plan to marry in October, leased a four-bedroom, 5,000-square-foot house, described as “a new Mediterranean,” for about $15,000 a month, sources say. The owner of the home is a French viscount.

Victoria Lockwood of Fred Sands’ Directors Office, Beverly Hills, and Barry Peele of Sotheby’s International Realty, Beverly Hills, represented the property owner. Terri Hall of Jon Douglas Co., Bel-Air, represented the lessees.

Rock drummer ALEX VAN HALEN, 41, of the band Van Halen, and his wife, KELLY, have sold their Beverly Hills-area home to radio broadcasting consultant Ken Wolt and his wife, Claudia, a former professional ballerina, sources say.

Built in 1987, the home has a 5,500-square-foot main house and an 800-square-foot recording studio. It sold for close to its $1.8-million asking price.

The Van Halens, who had owned the home since it was built, moved nearby to a house that they built on a four-acre site with indoor and outdoor swimming pools.


George Caloyannidis with Exclusive Realtors, Studio City, represented the buyers, and Deborah Moore of Fred Sands Estates, Beverly Hills, shared the listing with Beth Styne of Prudential Rodeo Realty, Beverly Hills.
