
Police Might Get More Fire Power

Concerned that police might be outgunned in a major shootout, the City Council will consider Monday a proposal to upgrade weaponry and body armor for the department.

After the much-publicized Feb. 28 bank robbery attempt in North Hollywood, council members suggested that Tustin police might need more firepower to combat criminals.

“We all felt like we would hate to be underpowered in a situation similar to North Hollywood,” Mayor Tracy Wills Worley said.


The council Monday will consider a report from acting Police Chief Steven Foster, which outlines options that range from $5,200 to $70,200.

Foster has recommended a $25,200 option that would “allow us to utilize our existing equipment while providing needed additional fire power as well as tactical safety equipment,” according to his report.

According to Foster, the $25,200 would: upgrade two .223 semiautomatic rifles and move them into two field supervisor patrol cars; purchase six long-barreled .223 semiautomatic rifles that would be kept at the Police Department for emergencies; purchase 20,000 rounds of ammunition for training and tactical response use; purchase four sets of body armor and 12 Kevlar helmets; and equip the officers’ 12-gauge shotguns with 12-gauge slug ammunition for piercing body armor.


“At this time the Police Department faces a demonstrated need for improving our tactical response weapons,” Foster states in his report. “None of the handguns we currently use are effective against body armor,” as encountered during the North Hollywood incident.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at 300 Centennial Way. Information: (714) 573-3000.
