
Obituaries - Dec. 16, 1997

Brantley, Irene H., 83, of Oxnard, homemaker. James A. Reardon Mortuary, Oxnard.

Dorman, Richard W., 63, of Fillmore, retired pumper with Shell Oil Co. Pierce Brothers Stetler Mortuary, Santa Paula.

McCullough, Wayne Allen, 63, of Simi Valley, manager with Litton Computer Services. Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Thousand Oaks.

Sellmeyer, Michael Keith, 39, of Minneapolis, formerly of Thousand Oaks, musician. Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Thousand Oaks.


Whitefield, Marian, 81, of Oxnard, federal government worker. James A. Reardon Mortuary, Oxnard.

Ventura County obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. Obituaries are based on information provided by mortuaries.
