
Religion Briefs

County Youth Rally Planned in Camarillo * A countywide youth rally called “Fire in the Park” will be held at Constitution Park in Camarillo from 5 to 8 p.m. today.

The event will feature two bands, drama, dance and youth speakers “for those who are willing to lay down their doctrinal differences and worship together,” said Ken Dittman, youth pastor of Jubilee Church in Camarillo.

“We’re anticipating that youth from all denominations will come together to pray, to worship God and to unite with God’s purpose,” he said. “This is in hopes of more countywide events in which youth come together and have an awesome time celebrating what God has done in their lives.”


Dittman said he expects about 900 people at the rally. For more information, call 482-5424.

Programs Fair and Hanukkah Sale at Temple * Ventura’s Temple Beth Torah will host a Jewish programs fair and a Hanukkah boutique from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the temple’s Meister Hall.

Representatives from local Jewish community organizations will offer an array of gifts, crafts, a Judaica shop, gift wrapping, door prizes and Hanukkah refreshments such as latkes and jelly doughnuts. Information on programs for all ages, ranging from Israel trips to Elderhostels and overnight camps, will be featured, said Sue Flam, local president of Women of Reform Judaism.


The fair is free, and the temple is at 7620 Foothill Road. For more information, call 647-7800.

Church Will Celebrate Acceptance Rites * St. Paschal Baylon Church in Thousand Oaks will celebrate the rite of acceptance for catechumens and the rite of welcoming for candidates enrolled in the rite of Christian Initiation for Adults at the 10:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday.

A Christmas boutique will also be held that day in the parish hall from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The church is at 155 E. Janss Road. For more information, call 496-0222.


Ventura School Invites Grandparents to Visit * In honor of Grandparents’ Day, Our Lady of the Assumption School in Ventura will host an informal bring-your-own lunch and classroom visit Monday for elder family members. Grandparents will eat lunch with their grandchildren and meet their school friends. Later, they can visit classrooms to greet teachers and watch classroom interaction.

Grandparents will be welcome from the noon lunch hour through the end of the school day at 2:30 p.m.

Those who would like to attend may call Sister Rebekah, the school’s principal, at 642-7198. The school is at 3169 Telegraph Road.

Minister to Speak on Nature Spirituality * The Rev. Dick Weston-Jones, minister of Ventura’s Unitarian Universalist Church, will speak at Canoga Park’s Unitarian Universalist Church on Nov. 30. His topic, “Nature Spirituality and Unitarian Universalists,” will trace the church’s heritage of nature spirituality from its roots to the present day, said Karen Moore of the church.

Weston-Jones is also director of the church’s eco-spirituality program, WhaleCoast. He describes himself as a religious naturalist.

The Canoga Park church is at 7404 Jordan Ave. The Ventura Unitarian Universalist Church is at 4949 Foothill Road. For more information, call 644-3898.


Puppeteers to Perform at Hanukkah Program * JFC-Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo will hold a Hanukkah program titled “A Day to Remember” at 5 p.m. Dec. 3 featuring the Alphabet Soup Puppeteers. The half-hour show is appropriate for all school-age children and tells the story of Hanukkah, in which a small army of Jews fought for the right to practice their religion.

Before and after the show, games and a Hanukkah bazaar will feature local vendors selling holiday gifts and baked goods.

JFC-Temple Ner Ami is a 150-family Reform congregation that meets at 4098 Calle Tesoro, Suite D. The 5-year-old congregation offers Shabbat and holiday services, social events, adult and children’s classes. For more information, call the temple at 388-3824.

Unity Center to Discuss Personal Qualities * The Unity Center in Westlake Village will offer a discussion Dec. 5 on “Your Greatest Gifts.”

“Most people have a unique quality, gift or talent just waiting to be discovered and used,” said the Rev. Irma Oestmann. “When you find it, a whole new world experience may unfold for you.”

The evening begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Westlake Village Community Room, 4373 Park Terrace Drive. For more information, call (818) 889-5589.


Temple Invites Teens to Shabbat Services * Temple Beth Haverim is “calling all teenagers” to attend its teen Shabbat the second Friday of every month in Agoura Hills. The next event is scheduled Dec. 12.

“Plan to attend regular Friday services at 8:15 p.m., followed by refreshments and Israeli dancing. Enjoy Shabbat from a teen point of view,” said Bobbi Ribinstein of the temple.

Temple Beth Haverim is a conservative synagogue serving Conejo Valley. It is at 5126 Clareton Drive, Agoura Hills. For more information, call the temple office at (818) 991-7111.

Handicapables to Host Christmas Meeting * Ventura County Handicapables will hold a special Christmas meeting Dec. 13 at Padre Serra Parish Hall, 5205 Upland Road, in Camarillo.

Registration is at 11 a.m. followed by an optional Mass, lunch and entertainment. People of all faiths are welcome.

Transportation may be arranged. For more information, call Catholic Charities at 643-4694 in Ventura or 486-2900 in Oxnard, or Ed Conway at 499-4437.


Temple Plans Hanukkah Dinner in Oxnard * Congregation Am Hayam, which meets in Oxnard and is the only conservative Jewish congregation in western Ventura County, has scheduled a Hanukkah dinner for 6:30 p.m. Dec. 19. The Hanukkah festival, which will be celebrated this year from Dec. 23 to 30, commemorates the consecration of the temple in Jerusalem after foreign occupation over 2,000 years ago.

The dinner will be held at the Oxnard Monday Club, 1401 W. Gonzalez Road. For dinner reservations, at $18 for adults, call 981-0031.

Youths to Collect Household Items, Clothes * United Synagogue Youth of Temple Etz Chaim in Thousand Oaks is seeking donations of household goods and clothing to benefit people in Third World countries.

Dubbed “Rags to Riches,” the project will oversee a drop-off bin in the temple parking lot at 1080 E. Janss Road through Nov. 30. Used clothing, shoes, purses, linens, towels, blankets, curtains and bedspreads are needed.

For more information, call Joan Sandoval at 497-6891.

Religion Briefs is a weekly listing that runs Saturday. Please address items, with a publishable telephone number, to Religion Briefs, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001.
