
Opening as Park Looms for Forgotten Riverfront

The small stretch of riverfront that had been a destination for generations of East Los Angeles families will be officially reopened Saturday as the Bosque Del Rio Hondo Natural Area.

With funding from a 1992 parks bond, a 12-acre park has been built around the Rio Hondo’s sandy shores, the site of a beach that hosted summertime picnics and dances for residents. The spot had been known as Rancho de Don Daniel or Marrano Beach.

The beach fell into disuse after industrial plants were built along the river. Thick brush hid the area from view.


County Supervisor Gloria Molina on Saturday will join families in the official opening of the recreation area, which is equipped with picnic tables, kiosks and hiking trails. The park will be open seven days a week from sunrise to sunset.

Members of the Native American Shoshone Gabrielino Nation will bless the area and perform traditional dances. Visitors can participate in basket-weaving, rock painting and other activities. The event will be held from 10 a.m to noon at the park at San Gabriel and Rosemead boulevards.
