
Computers for Simi Schools

* Re “Peers Praise Simi’s New Superintendent,” Aug. 1.

This article stated that in spite of budget cuts in the Livermore District in the early 1990s, Joyce C. Mahdesian worked to equip all classrooms in the district with computers.

Let me now challenge her to do the same for the new Wood Ranch Elementary School, where the recalcitrant Board of Education stripped these funds from the budget.

It is now time for the citizens of Simi Valley to give Joyce C. Mahdesian competent board members and stop the fiasco that has been going on for the past eight years. Let us start thinking of the children of this district rather than the individual agendas that some of the board members appear to have.


I am a senior member of this city who believes that our young children should learn how to use the tools of the 21st century. Good luck to Joyce Mahdesian.


Simi Valley
