
Math Teacher Snags Grant of $10,000

Brian Johnson has taught integrated math at Villa Park High School for just three years and has already shot past many of his peers nationwide, earning a $10,000 grant from Toyota’s Investment in Mathematics Excellence program this spring.

He was one of just 35 teachers in the nation to receive the grant, which is sponsored by Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. Inc. and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. A panel of mathematics education experts selected him from more than 700 applicants.

“Writing a proposal to seek funding is not easy,” said Gail Burrill, president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. “Such commitment to making a difference for students is a hallmark of a leader in mathematics education.”


Johnson’s winning project, called “Math, Music and Art,” will use hands-on activities and computer programs to help students see the connections between math, music, visual mathematics and computer literacy.

He will be assisted in the project by Bruce Burns, also a math teacher at Villa Park High School.
