
Vigorous Local Reporting

* Re Times Ventura County Edition for Sept. 28.

Today’s paper is the most thematically vigorous “local” paper I’ve read in a long while, containing a breadth of topics covered by much original reporting.

Your reporting of fraud and ineptitude in Ventura institutions, echoed in parallel subject matter reported from Los Angeles, serves to revive the understanding in readers of the necessity and purpose of reading news reports.

I appreciate also your reports of passion in civic events--a benefit and catalyst that has come into Ventura County with the influx from municipal Los Angeles and that has lent vigor to your Ventura County section.


No longer projecting the image of a “white bread” county culture, the Ventura County section depicts the reality of increasingly significant roles in local civic and social events played by people of varying educational, religious, ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Thank you for the diligent and fair reporting.


