
Why the Lakers Are His Pastime of Choice

Soon major league baseball owners and players will once again show their utter contempt for fans by staging another ludicrous work stoppage, after which an even more absurd attempt will be made to lure fans back, by covering Whammo “Super Balls” with cowhide, so someone can hit 100 home runs or bat .407.

That’s why after watching Staples Center erupt with euphoria after Shaq acted as point guard, dropping a nice little jump hook after a crossover dribble, I thank God for the Lakers.

Mark Kummrow

Santa Monica


I agree with fellow readers that Paul Sunderland is doing a great job in Chick Hearn’s absence.


But I still can’t watch a Laker telecast without going through “Chickdrawal.”

Get better quick, Chick. I’m jonesin’ bad.

Terry Johnston

