
Readers recommend

California: Beachside B&B;

Casa Tropicana Bed and Breakfast, 610 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente 92672; (800) 492-1245, (949) 492-1234, “Delightful B&B; in San Clemente overlooks the beach and pier. Our ‘Out of Africa’ room had a fireplace and huge Jacuzzi tub. Great breakfast, also champagne, cookies and fruit.” Nine rooms, doubles $195 to $495.

Connie and Lynn Hughes

Laguna Beach

New Zealand: Manor

The Pillars, 7 Deborah Rise, Bonshaw Park, Taupo 2730; 011-64-7-378-1512, “Mediterranean-style country manor with 5 acres of park-like grounds, tennis court, swimming pool. Beautiful en suite bedrooms, great breakfast included. About five minutes to Lake Taupo.” Doubles $126 to $307.

Maureen Zinger


Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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