
Position Statements

The candidates on the issues, in their own words.

Phil Angelides (D) on Economic Opportunity:

"I see a California future where we nourish economic opportunity — by helping the small businessman in an inner-city neighborhood; by supporting scientific research...and by putting this state in the vanguard of emerging industries such as alternative energy."

On the Environment:

"Reducing our dependence on oil, giving Californians more energy choices and protecting our coastline are essential to preserving our state's natural treasures and strengthening our economy for future generations."

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on the Economy:

"...The best way to increase revenues for the state is through economic growth and expansion, not by increasing taxes on families and businesses."

On the Environment:

"I intend to show the world that economic growth and the environment can coexist. And if you want to see it, then come to California."

Attorney General
Jerry Brown (D) on Terrorism:

"Brown made the Port of Oakland the first major container port in the United States to have completely installed Radiation Portal monitors that screen every container from a foreign country for dangerous materials."

Chuck Poochigian (R) on Public Safety:

"Senator Poochigian...authored law that made permanent the COPS program to put more law enforcement officers on the street."

Lieutenant Governor
John Garamendi (D) on Economy, Education, Environment, Health Care, Supporting Social Justice

Tom McClintock (R) on the November Ballot Propositions

Bill Lockyer (D) on Ensuring Fairness and Equity, Investing in California Families, Protecting California's Natural Assets, Serving California Taxpayers and Consumers

Claude Parrish (R) on His Legislative Accomplishments

John Chiang (D) on Why He's Running

Tony Strickland (R) on the Issues

Secretary of State
Debra Bowen (D) on Campaign Finance Reform, Helping Consumers Protect Their Privacy, Opening Government to the People, Protecting the Environment

Bruce McPherson (R) on His Accomplishments as Secretary of State

Insurance Commissioner
Cruz Bustamante (D) on Getting Fit

Steve Poizner (R) on Fighting Insurance Fraud, Stopping "Use It and Lose It", Uninsured Drivers, Workers' Compensation Reform