
Textbook shelved after sex toy, bondage topics spark protest

Fremont Unified School District’s superintendent has temporarily shelved a controversial ninth-grade health textbook after roughly 2,200 parents and residents took issue with its sexual bondage topics and other material, and demanded it be kept out of the classroom.

Supt. Jim Morris will ask school board members Wednesday to place the book, “Your Health Today,” on hold until it’s fully vetted following concerns from the community that it would expose teens to topics on sexual fantasies, sex games, as well as themes that include ropes, handcuffs, sex toys and vibrators.

The book’s publisher, McGraw-Hill, will work with school officials to modify the textbook so it meets the district’s needs and address concerns about “the appropriateness of its content for high school students,” according to a district statement.


Meanwhile, students enrolled in health classes at the district’s high schools will use old text material.

“Our administration and staff believes this textbook will be an asset to our health curriculum in that it provides current, accurate, factual and relevant information our students need to make responsible decisions about their health,” Morris said in a statement.

The district, he said, is focused on teaching state standards in an age-appropriate and objective manner, which was the goal in adopting the textbook.


“I also recognize and respect the concerns of some of our families and believe this recommendation is a great compromise that will address those opinions, while still working toward ultimately providing the best curriculum possible in our schools,” he said.

Parents organizing the petition called for the book to be removed from all Fremont schools and asked for the formation of a health textbook selection committee.
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