
Readers React: Quentin Tarantino boycott: This is what free speech looks like

Quentin Tarantino marches in the Oct. 24 rally protesting police brutality.

Quentin Tarantino marches in the Oct. 24 rally protesting police brutality.

(Kena Betancur / Getty Images)

To the editor: What Quentin Tarantino said about police and murder, and the context in which he said it, have not been misinterpreted. It is all on videotape and speaks for itself. (“Quentin Tarantino ‘not backing down’ from remarks on police brutality,” Nov. 3)

The great thing about free speech is that it allows us all to voice our views, and when we do, we have to accept that others might not agree.

Indeed, capitalism also works best when we voice our disapproval of a business by not buying from it. In Tarantino’s case, if we don’t approve of his comments, one way to respond is by not watching his movies.


As long as the reason for a consumer boycott is based on fact, it is a good way to respond to someone with whom we disagree. Many boycotts are not based on opinions formed in fact; this one is.

I will join the boycott of Tarantino’s latest film; his comments were distasteful at best, and I am glad many are making themselves heard. He would do better to listen.

Jeffrey C. Briggs, Hollywood


To the editor: I for one am with Tarantino. Police officers everywhere need to understand that they are public servants with the power of life and death over those they are supposed to serve.


Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck, who is quoted in the article as noting that Tarantino’s graphic depictions of violence don’t mean he understands actual violence, needs to realize that police officers carry real guns and use them all too frequently when they should not. As far as I know, no one has actually died while acting in or watching a Tarantino movie.

I will go see Tarantino’s new movie.

Nato Flores, Los Angeles


To the editor: Isn’t Tarantino the epitome of Hollywood hypocrisy? He makes extremely violent movies, including violence against cops, then tells us he’s not part of the problem.

Even producer Harvey Weinstein encouraged him to apologize. Of course, Weinstein probably doesn’t care either; he’s just trying to salvage his box-office numbers.


What many in Hollywood don’t understand is that the vast majority of us wholeheartedly support the good work that our police do every day. They deserve and have our respect.

Rick Kern, Incline Village, Nev.

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