
Watch a 9/11 ‘truther’ crash Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith’s presser

Seattle linebacker Malcolm Smith had two huge interceptions during the postseason, including a pick-six of Denver quarterback Peyton Manning that helped him earn MVP honors at Super Bowl XLVIII Sunday night.

But something strange happened after the game — Smith’s postgame press conference was intercepted from him.

By a guy wearing a red flannel shirt.

As the third-year linebacker from USC was describing what it was like to be the Super Bowl MVP, a man identified by New Jersey State Police as Matthew Mills strolled to the podium, grabbed the microphone and rather calmly stated, “Investigate 9/11. 9/11 was perpetrated by people in our own government.”


The 30-year-old Brooklyn native was kind of nudged by a public relations guy but mainly left on his own. He was arrested for trespassing.

After asking if everyone was all right, Smith joked, “Check his press pass.”

Mills actually did appear to be wearing a press pass. Bart Hubbuch of the New York Post reported that Mills’ media affiliation was listed as “unknown.”

The rest of Smith’s news conference went off without a hitch.
